When we purchased our farm, we didn't have the notions of purchasing goats. Nestled up
on top of hill, surrounded in woodland, we decided that a few goats would be nice to eat the under brush of our wooded area.
We purchased 2 Pygmy Does, and one Nubian bottle baby buckling. Well we didn't stop there.
The entertainment we received from these little comedians was priceless. So, we purchased a Pygmy buck and bred the
two Pygmy Does. It was the grandest day ever, when the girls birthed their kids. Our first kidding! We were
so excited. Both Does gave us twins each. Oh how we loved them. Now we have 8 goats. Soon we sold
our Pygmy Buck and purchased another Pygmy Doe. With yet another Pygmy Buck to soon follow.
We sold our Pygmy's to purchase and begin our Meat herd. We decided we wanted to raise
quality meat goats for herd replacements. We purchased our first two Commercial Boer cross Does. As time went
on, and breedings began, soon we increased to a much larger herd, with Registered Boer and Registered Kiko being added
along the way.
Our operation today consists of FB SA Boer, and PB Kiko, as well as breeding commercial
stock for the commercial breeders. We try to supply the best of each breed, healthy and sound goats both registered
and commercial. We intend to fit every breeders needs, providing Boer, Kiko, Boki and Commercial replacement
breeding stock, and 4H quality show stock.
Spring of 2008 will consist of our largest kidding season. Providing PB's, FB's, and
Commercial Doelings and Bucklings for sale. Years past we only provided replacement Bucklings. If you are interested
in good quality replacement breeding stock, please contact us for avaliability of what we have to offer. Our goats sell
quick, so please do not hesitate to contact us if you're interested.
We have been blessed with our first grandchild, Kylie Ann, born Oct. 16, 2007, whom we
find great joy in. We also own two horses. We enjoy trail riding, and riding off into the quiet peaceful sunsets.